Over 50 and loving life!

Singles Events Melbourne LOVES creating events for the 50+ age brackets! Tommy has hosted so many events and has found that singles who are over 50 are simply care-free!
On this page, you will find all of our events for singles aged 50 and above. You can choose to attend one of our speed dating events. To read more about speed dating, please read this article we wrote up for speed dating. Alternatively, you can choose to attend social events like Singles Trivia Night, Singles Party or Beer & Cider Tours! See both styles of events below.
If you haven’t registered for event invitations, do it now! We will send you an invite and that way, you will never miss out.
Register here it’s free to register!
Call us! 1800 851 841
Text us! 0415 584 937
Our team are ready to answer all of your questions and help you get started.