Singles Trivia Night Voucher $89


How does it work?

Step 1:
Send customer support a text message on 0415 584 937 to help you. Otherwise, select a Speed Dating Voucher and add to cart.

Step 2:
Fill in YOUR DETAILS for the ticket order as you are the purchaser. YOUR details need to be filled in for this step and NOT the person you are buying the voucher for.

Step 3:
In the section where it asks: “Did you buy a ticket for a mate”, ADD A MESSAGE YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE ON THE VOUCHER. Example: “Dear Sam. Here is a speed dating voucher for you so you can finally get some action. From your friend, Sarah”

Step 4:
Pay using a credit card, PayPal. You can also call us for phone payment. 1800 851 841

Step 5:
Once we receive the order, we will email you with the voucher.

Tap to view example voucher





This voucher is good for any event to the value of $79

  • $89 – Singles Trivia Night

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